8-1-1 is the only telephone number for this service. Dialling 8-1-1 promptly puts you in contact with a psychosocial intervention worker in the event of a psychosocial problem. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Anyone living in Québec can call Info-Social 8-1-1 for themselves or a family member.
Info-Social 8-1-1 professionals offer advice and may answer psychosocial-related question. When necessary, they may also direct you to a community resource or one in the health and social services network.
Here are examples of situations in which you can call Info-Social 8-1-1:
- You are in a situation that causes you anxiety
- You are worried about a friend or family member
- You are experiencing family or relationship problems
- You are in mourning
- You have questions about other worrisome situations or behaviour
If you are in a crisis situation, a psychosocial intervention worker may send someone to your location in order to assist you immediately. If necessary, you be will directed to a resource, such as a crisis shelter, where you can receive care or required services.
Source: sante.gouv.qc.ca